Anxiety and Depression

Can’t get through the day without at least one ugly cry? I feel you! Body feels heavy. The elephant on your chest. Hope is too hard to carry.

You can’t stop the worst-case-scenario thoughts. Rather hide away from the world but longing to be a part of it. Fear, sadness, emptiness, self-criticism.  And so damn tired of it all! Picture a heavy, persistent fog enveloping your mind and emotions, obscuring the sun's warmth and casting a shadow over every thought and action.

Anxiety and depression can coexist, have mixed symptoms and levels of severity, and look different in everybody. How does yours feel? Are you in the fog? It’s said that anxiety is worrying about the future, depression is living in the past and they both rob you of being happy in the present. I can help you feel comfortable in the fog and allow the sun’s rays to find you in it by holding you safely in the present.